Soul Ties

A soul tie is a soul connection between people where souls become intertwined. This connection can be godly in certain situations and ungodly in others. A soul connection can be made a few different ways. It can be made through sexual intercourse (husband and wife become one flesh) or it could even be made through relying on someone else too heavily to meet our emotional needs (a mother for instance). […]

Leaning on Our Own Understanding

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones” (Proverbs 3:5-8 NIV, emphasis added). These verses say two things I’d like to highlight. First, […]

The Fitting

Have you ever planned a wedding? It’s a lot of work! In fact, it’s so much work, many people hire a Wedding Planner to do it. There are so many arrangements to make: booking the venue and the church, tasting the wine, food and cake, then ordering it all… And that is just the beginning. In the midst of all this planning, the bride’s most favorite part, though, is probably […]

Healing in His Wings

The word of the Lord today, February 22, 2020; I declare to you today; The Lord is coming with healing in his wings, to heal those with speech impediments; slurring speech, stutters, those who have felt they’ve had a bit or gag in their mouths and those who feel like Moses felt: I’m just not a good speaker, as well as those who have a physical impairment that causes them […]

The Scent of Water

Last Saturday afternoon was quite the afternoon, worshipping and praying at LifeBridge Church in Thamesville, Ontario. Pastor Mary Audrey Raycroft and a group from Catch the Fire, Toronto, along with many pastors and intercessors from South Western Ontario, have been gathering at this site, once a month, over the past year. The Lord strategically orchestrated our meetings at this particular site, as He has called us to take up a […]

Expect the Unexpected

Mary, mother of Jesus… A young girl, living a quiet life in a small town. Engaged, but unwed… Yet, pregnant. We know the story; we know all of it, standing on this side. We know why she’s pregnant and how she’s pregnant, but those living with her and around her at the time, didn’t. Oh, they thought they knew the story, but all they saw was the natural circumstances, and […]

God Whispers

God speaks. Do you hear Him? Some would say that God only speaks through the Bible, but I would say they are missing out on a wonderful intimate connection with their Creator. The Bible certainly is the infallible Word of God, and is the measuring stick for all other whispers we may hear and we certainly need to test the word. Three questions I always consider are: does it line […]

Shine Your Light

In Matthew 25, Jesus describes the Kingdom of Heaven like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. “Five of them were foolish, and five were prudent. For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, but the prudent took oil in flasks along with their lamps. Now while the bridegroom was delaying, they all got drowsy and began to sleep. […]

Share Your Victory

You know that thing; that thing you’ve overcome; perhaps that circumstance, condition or event that nearly took you out? Well that thing you’ve OVERCOME is now under your feet. YOU now have authority over IT and you’re walk’n all over it every day. Friend, I need to know how you got there. I need to know the revelation that lifted you and the journey you took to overcome ’cause maybe, […]