Soul Ties

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A soul tie is a soul connection between people where souls become intertwined. This connection can be godly in certain situations and ungodly in others. A soul connection can be made a few different ways. It can be made through sexual intercourse (husband and wife become one flesh) or it could even be made through relying on someone else too heavily to meet our emotional needs (a mother for instance).

God’s design was for us to have sex in the confines of marriage only, so when we have sex outside of those boundaries, we are in sin and the soul tie we have formed is ungodly. God’s design was also for each person to connect with Him and rely on Him as their MAIN source of love, acceptance, and self-worth (think of the original garden, the Garden of Eden, and how Adam and Eve were secure in their identity because of their relationship with God the Father). If we look to and depend on someone else to validate us, make us worthy, and keep us safe, we end up deriving our value and security from another person and not from God. We then create a connection of emotional DEPENDENCE on a person, which was never God’s design. This creates in the spiritual realm a soul tie; a person’s identity becomes overly and extremely intertwined and connected to someone else’s in an ungodly way. In fact, it’s as if that other person has taken on the role of God in their life.

How do we know if we have depended too heavily on another person to help us feel secure and loved? Well, have you ever said anything like the following:

(In keeping with my example of mother, I use the pronoun “her” and “she.”) “I don’t know what I would have done without her.” “I don’t think I would have survived if she hadn’t been there or been who she was to me.” “She rescued me.” “She was everything to me.”

We MUST have the proper and godly perception of Who is the MOST important person in our lives. . . That person should always be God/Jesus. God is our rescuer. God is our Sustainer. He is our Deliverer. In Him is everything we need. Had that person (mother in this case) NOT been in your life or not been as awesome as she was, GOD your Provider, would have sent someone else into your life to sustain you, to love you and give you what you needed. Our confession should be: “I don’t know what I would have done without God providing such an amazing mother for me.” “I don’t think I would have survived had God not been there for me and made my mom who she was.” “God rescued me.” “God is everything to me.” The first confessions put mom on a pedestal, elevating her to a place she doesn’t belong. The latter confessions conversely and rightly give God all the glory and put Him in His proper place. . . on the throne of our heart.

Every ungodly soul tie is an opportunity for the devil to oppress us. It is also an opportunity for demons that may be attached to the souls of others to also attach to us for the purpose of oppressing us, making us sick, or just plain making our lives miserable. It is therefore imperative that we break ungodly soul ties through repentance and prayer.

Prayer to Break Soul Ties with Sexual Partners

“Lord, I confess that I have not kept your commands or followed your ways in regard to sex. I confess God that I have had sexual relations with others outside of marriage. (Also confess any other sexually deviant behavior.) I confess that through my fornication I have placed my partner(s), the need for their love and affection, and my fleshly desires above and before you in my heart. I have replaced you as my first love, broken my covenant with you and formed ungodly covenants with others. I am sorry God and I repent. I ask for your forgiveness. Thank you Lord that when I confess my sins to you, you are faithful to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Thank you for your forgiveness. I choose to forgive myself and receive your forgiveness in its fullness. I now break and renounce all ungodly soul ties, unions, influences, and covenants, in body, soul, and spirit that I have formed with (identify partners by name) I release (say each name again) back to you God and I ask you to heal the wounds in her/him/them that caused her/him/them to seek out our union, and I ask you God to cause her/him/them to become all you created her/him/them to be. I pray that she/he/they would come to know you and experience your love. I also ask Lord that every part of myself that has been tied to the others would be washed in your blood and brought back to me. I call back to myself every piece of my heart that I gave away in sin and I ask you Lord to heal every wound in me that made me seek out an ungodly union. Heal me and make me whole in you. Thank you God. In Jesus’ name, I now break every ungodly union and transference from their bloodline to mine and every curse empowered through our sin I now cut off from my blood, my life, my soul, my body, my marriage (if applicable), my family/children (if applicable), my destiny, and my future. I break and dis-empower every evil force sent to carry these curses out. In Jesus’ name, I renounce every unclean spirit, every spirit of lust and perversion, every spirit of rebellion, disobedience, witchcraft, infirmity, sickness and disease that has gained access to my life and I command them to leave me now! In Jesus’ name, I decree that I am free from every curse and I am free to be all God created me to be, and to do all God has for me to do. Whomever the Son sets free is free indeed! I decree that goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in safety in the house of the Lord forever. Father, send your Holy Spirit to fill every vacant place in me now. Fill me to overflowing and clothe me in power. Saturate me God in your presence. Thank you that you hear my prayer and love me unconditionally. All glory and praise be yours, Amen.

Prayer to Break Soul Ties With a Person (example: mother) You’ve Depended too Heavily On to Meet Your Emotional Needs

(I will use “my mother” as an example, but please replace “my mother” with the name of the person you have depended on.)

“Lord, I thank you for my mother. I thank you for all she was (is) in my life and all she has done for me. Lord, I confess that I have placed my mother above and before you in my heart and I am sorry. The first affection of my heart should always be for you. You, O God, are my first love, for you loved me first, even before I was conceived. I repent, God for looking to my mother for what I should have looked to you for, for forming an ungodly covenant and union of soul with her and for breaking my covenant with you. Please forgive me God. I choose to forgive myself and I receive your forgiveness in its fullness. Thank you Lord. In Jesus’ name, I now renounce and break the ungodly portion of my union with my mother, the unhealthy dependence on her and the ungodly covenant that resulted. I cut the umbilical cord that has spiritually remained and has kept me attached to her in an ungodly way (take a pair of scissors and cut the umbilical cord in the spirit) and I release my mother to you God. (If your mother was controlling, forgive her here.) I ask Lord that every part of me that was tied to her in an ungodly way would be washed in your blood and brought back to me. Make me whole in you God. I call back to myself each part of my soul wrongly attached to my mom and I release back to her every part of her wrongly attached to me. I ask you Lord to heal every wound in me that has caused me to be too attached to her. I now break every curse that has been empowered because of this ungodly union. I thank you Jesus that you have redeemed me from every curse and that no curse has any more right to operate in my life. I bind and take authority over every spirit of idolatry, control, fear, intimidation and witchcraft, in the name of Jesus, and I resist their maneuvers against me. I break their power in my life and I command them to leave me now and not come back, in Jesus’ name. I decree that I am free in Christ to be all God has created me to be and do all God has planned for me to do. Holy Spirit come! I welcome you and trust you to be everything I need in this life. Help me to discern your presence and fill me afresh. Cause me to overflow with your abundant life. In Jesus’ most glorious name, Amen.

I hope these prayers have been helpful! God bless.

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